Evolving Lives
Join a collective helping people heal through structural, functional, and relational integration.
Our Mission

Dr. Ida P. Rolf believed that her 10-Series of Structural Integration was a way to advance the evolution of the human species. She considered her work education, and following this we teach the principles of Dr. Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, and Gestalt Awareness Practice as they were presented at the Esalen Institute at the time of the human potential movement. For the student, these core teachings provide a foundation in touch, movement, somatics, anatomy, neuroscience, and psychology through the process of critical inquiry and direct experience.
We believe that integrated beings create integrated relationships; integrated relationships create integrated communities; and integrated communities create an integrated world.
We endeavor to bring this work to people and communities who may not have previously had access.
Within each individual lies a vast reservoir of untapped potential, waiting to be discovered and expressed.
Embodying Presence Retreat: Hakomi, Gestalt, And Somatic Movement Practices With Patrice Hamilton
TensegrityU, Nevada City, CA
The Experiences
TensegrityU offers many ways to access our educational offerings from single classes and workshops to our 3 month long basic training.