Stella B
The education I received from TensegrityU has been a wonderful addition to my bodywork practice.
Whitney W.
Tensegrity U has profoundly supported my greatest life transformations, personally and as a practitioner.
“Being in the TensegrityU training, once as a student and again as an assistant, have been some of the most impactful experiences of my Life. I’ve grown in knowledge, skill as a practitioner and as a person. I finished the course feeling confident in my ability to take someone through the ten series with skill and presence, what a gift! The integration of gestalt and Feldenkrais method into the program helped the structural work come alive for me and gave me powerful tools for my practice and life. I highly recommend this course to anyone that wants to learn Structural Integration, is interested in somatics, or wants a deep dive into their own body dynamics. Thank you TU and I can’t wait to continue!”
David Ben-Chetrit
TU assistant
“Tensegrity U has profoundly supported my greatest life transformations, personally and as a practitioner.
Kate and Tim have brilliantly designed the program guided by their education and practitionership. Each instructor offers unique perspectives of the Rolf, Gestalt and Feldenkrais modalities being taught.
Collaboratively, their knowledge and experiential wisdom creates a secure, thorough and accessible education for all levels beginner to advanced. All teachings respect and mirror the interconnectedness and intrinsic intelligence of the human body and nature.
It was reassuring the anatomical lectures, concepts and techniques were reinforced with direct experience in demonstrations, student trades, and in-class clients.
The human potential teachings have similar themes that are interwoven through the course-work, fortifying comprehension. Awareness practices within the modalities helped me develop more access and recognition of choice in patterns. This freedom of choice encouraged desire to organize ease in the body, psyche and emotions.
The trust I developed through shared class experiences and intentional group presence has instilled a sense of inner clarity and peace. From that space, I’m able to with greater ease, enable my intuition and creativity.
Whitney W.
TU Graduate